Face the Unknown
Tokyo is overrun by supernatural forces, perpetrated by a dangerous occultist, causing its population to vanish in an instant. Ally with a powerful spectral entity on a quest for vengeance and master a powerful arsenal of abilities to unravel the dark truth behind the disappearance.
With the power of the PlayStation5 console, Tango Gameworks forges a beautiful version of modern Tokyo. Using unparalleled haptic feedback for every ability and action with the DualSense controller and advanced 3D spatial audio, immerse yourself in an ominous city and uncover new mysteries.
A Haunted Tokyo
Explore a unique vision of Tokyo twisted by a supernatural presence. Discover a hauntingly beautiful city teeming with Yokai – vengeful spirits that prowl the streets. Discover iconic landmarks and travel the underworld on your quest to save your family.
Next-Gen Immersion
Experience a stunningly rendered, rain-soaked Tokyo with PlayStation 5’s next-gen ray tracing technology and 3D AudioTech. Feel the power of your supernatural skills firsthand with unique haptic feedback and adaptive triggers for every combat ability and character action.
Devastating Elemental Abilities
Wield a combination of upgradeable elemental powers and ghost-hunting skills to combat the supernatural threat. Use your ethereal abilities to ascend to the to the top of Tokyo’s skyline and soar over the streets to discover new missions or surprise your enemies.
Key Specs
EditionStandard Edition
ESRB RatingT (Teen 13+)
ESRB DescriptorsLanguage, Violence
Compatible Platform(s)PlayStation 5
Software FormatPhysical
Product NameGhostwire Tokyo
DeveloperTango Gameworks
Model NumberGH1CSTP5PENA
Game Details
EditionStandard Edition
GenreAction and Adventure
Certifications & Listings
ESRB RatingT (Teen 13+)
ESRB DescriptorsLanguage, Violence
Compatible Platform(s)PlayStation 5
Software FormatPhysical
Video Game Content IncludedFull game